Internship Rejections: Tips To Cheer Yourself Up

Internship Rejections: Tips To Cheer Yourself Up

Internship Rejections: Tips To Cheer Yourself Up

Internship rejections are the worse. After 25, I lost count to how many I actually applied to. I literally cried about having nothing this summer. After being ghosted and rejected, I was initially going to rant again about how frustrating it is to make cover letters that would go unread, not receive any type of follow-ups, and not given the chance despite having the skills. But, I decided to remain positive because and here are some tips to help you.

1. Stay Busy With Your Favorite Hobby

Think your internship rejections away by reading books like Spongebov

Whether it is binge-watching a series or reading 50 Shades Of Grey, find something that will keep you occupied this summer. For me, I have been working on my blog non-stop which feels relieving. I never got this much free time during my spring semester so it feels good doing something that I actually love.

2. Go Outside More

Go outside more to relieve depression from internship rejections

I have literally been unleashing my inner child these last few weeks by going to my local playground and swinging. I feel no shame considering I need to feel joy again. Staying inside for too long can feel depressing, trust me I know. Going outside not only ensures you get some type of exercise, but it’s a great change in environment.

3. Give Yourself Some Alone Time

Man giving himself some alone time

It’s frustrating when positive things are happening to everyone except you. Although some of my friends have also been screwed over by crummy internship rejections, I just needed some time alone to self-reflect. Even less social media has been beneficial. College is stressful enough and internship rejections suck. If I need time alone to pull myself together, I will gladly take my time.


Internship rejections and job rejections are normal and happen to the best like Lauren Morelli.

I MEAN this. Not only are the stories funny and inspiration, but they are downright entertaining. With celebrities chiming in on this thread, it feels good knowing that every no you receive will eventually lead to a yes. And yes everyone, even celebrities get rejected. Hey, you have to start somewhere. Even better, imagine the person who rejected you punching air once they find out you are in a better position. It’s a beautiful image, isn’t it? Talk about regret.

Final Word/Rant on Internship Rejections

It’s no surprise how internships can often be a connections and numbers game. The tactics that are used to dwindle down applicants often isolates some great potential candidates. Resubmitting info into these websites even with your resume attached is a time waster. Needing 50 skills or years of experience for an internship position is dumb. And not giving applicants some type of closure and update is disrespectful honestly. Regardless, keep your head up high like me and still have hope. Something much better may be in store for you.

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