The hashtag #NotmyAriel was trending the other day because people found out that there’s going to be a black Ariel in the live version of The Little Mermaid. As promised, I set my social media consumption back and I found out about the outrage on Youtube. So let’s explore this more.
Halle Bailey As Ariel

The black Ariel is going to Halle Bailey, not Halle Berry. Halle is already known for being in the hit T.V show Grownish, being a part of a superb duo called Chloe X Halle, being signed by Beyonce, and also her crazy singing pipes.
The girl isn’t just some regular actress who audition. She’s already made her mark in Hollywood. So, when I saw she got the part I was excited especially since she is going to be a black lead. But turned out to be the problem.
“BUt aRiel is wHiTe”

People were complaining that Ariel should be played by a white actress. Halle, obviously being black shouldn’t have been cast for a white role. They brought up the reverse argument about Princess Tiana, Mulan, or even Pocahontas. They claimed if white girls would have played those roles, there would be outrage so why is it okay for a black girl to play a white girl.
Ariel Is A Mermaid

Well, it happens time and time again where there are white people playing black people or people of different races. But sticking on the Disney theme, Ariel is a mermaid. Let that sink in, no pun intended. Unlike the princesses above, Ariel is not based on a real person. She is literally a mermaid.
There’s Only 1 Black Princess

Also, there are only a few non-white princesses. According to the haters, that would mean Halle can only play 1 out of the 15 Disney princesses (if we include Tinkerbell). There’s only 1 black princess and that would mean black women would have to wait their turn for another remake/version to be made to get their shine.

It’s so stupid how people can’t consider the limited opportunities that people of color would have in this scenario. Disney is giving Halle a chance considering there’s only one ideal princess role for her to audition for. It’s time to diversify and represent everyone.
Halle Bailey For The Win

Although it would have been better if Disney had a more diverse pool of princesses, I love their attempt here. Halle has an amazing voice and her regular speaking voice resembles one like a princess. I see the talent and so much more success in her future. She’s simply not a Black Ariel, but a true princess.