Why Your Natural Hair Isn’t Growing?

Why Your Natural Hair Isn’t Growing?

Your natural hair journey means a lot to you. You want those curls to pop, twists, be in puffs, but….you don’t have the length for it. From the T.W.A to the awkward stage, growing out your natural hair can be frustrating. But, let’s see some reasons why your hair is stuck.

For the record, your hair is always growing. We just need to get to the bottom of why its breaking off.

Too Many Protective Styles

tight braids are tough on natural hair

Protective styles can be a blessing since it allows you to not manipulate your hair. But, tight styles such as braids or locs can strain your hair and eventually lead to damage. That’s not to mention how dry your hair is after taking these styles down.

Give your hair breaks in between before you run to the African braiding salon. Learn how to moisturize your hair that way it’s strong enough for the next protective hairstyle.

Excessive Combing/Manipulation

Because our hair isn’t the easiest to comb, people make the mistake of just brushing or combing it recklessly. I mean no water nor product is ever applied which leads to breakage. Even to much shedding can be annoying.

excessive shedding or combing can be bad for your natural hair

Be soft and gentle with your hair and you will notice less hair on your combs.

You’re Not Stretching Your Hair

I mainly do twist-outs not only because it gives me stretch, but because it prevents my hair from tangling up. The more you stretch your hair, the less tangles or single strand knots (these are the devil) you will have. In return, your hair will be much healthier.

stretching your natural hair helps you avoid tangles

Besides, you may think your natural hair isn’t growing due to shrinkage. Maybe a twist out will give you the real deal.

Wrong Products


It took me a while to get my go to products right, but even then I never struggled with hair falling out. Some of your favorite deep conditioning masks on Amazon contain protein which can lead to protein overload. That equals dry brittle hair.

There are certain ingredients that can dry your hair out so keep that in mind.


genetics plays a big part on your natural hair journey

Sometimes your hair is just not growing fast enough because of your genetics which is out of your control. Furthermore, hair grows an average of .5 inches. Whether that’s the case for you or not (it’s not for me) it proves that your hair moves at its own pace.

Regardless, you can still maintain your length, add some oils, and still rock what you have. Trust me, your inches will eventually come.

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