During this quarantine, I have had the itch to reinvent myself. I don’t know if it has something to do with my new semester or even being inside all day. However, I’ve been self-reflecting a bunch this summer and when this whole thing is over, I promise to be a better version of me. Let’s face it, you don’t want to be that a****** who remains one even after quarantine. You wanna be good for society. So here are some ways you can help change yourself.
Less Social Media
I can’t tell you how important it is to control your time on social media. What you see online can have such an impact on your self esteem. As I’ve said a million times, going through a break up is hard and seeing these couples happy online (come to find out they aren’t) led me to mute or unfollow certain people. I did not want to be bitter or jealous thus, I had to do it.

If you’re like me where you have FOMO, simply follow pages that uplift you. For me I absolutely love quotes and therefore I follow a bunch of quotes pages on Instagram (yes I’m a corny gal). But if possible, ditch one of your social media apps and you will feel better (bye Snapchat).
Get Rid Of Toxic People
This will do wonders. We’ve all experienced people in our lives who are nothing but negative balls of energy. Well, quarantine is the perfect time to reflect and let those people go. You don’t have to gain a relationship with everyone you encounter. But you can gain a lesson.

I found myself thankful for the motivated and supportive friends I have. Many people are struggling with loneliness or not having real friends to connect to. I feel thankful to have my group of people who are also positive influences and bring the best out of me. Many people don’t realize that you become like the people you hang around and this is not only true scientifically, but I’ve seen personal examples where this is the case. So please hang out with people who aspire you and see the great in life.
And for my single gals struggling, think about your ex’s flaws. When I think of mine, I think of how much pain I would have been in and how much lonelier I would have been. Some people refuse to change even though they ought to. Once you are out of a situation, you realize how toxic it was or how toxic it was becoming. As bubbly, passionate, and loving as I am as a person, I would not want anyone to drain those good qualities out of me. Don’t be an enabler.
Go Outside + Less Screen Time
Going outside can help you get out of a depression funk. One of the benefits of going outside is that sun gives you serotonin which is the hormone responsible for happiness. Plus, the little summertime weather we have left makes for a perfect selfie.

And although I hate working out, it’s still important to stay active. Whether this is walking or swinging in the park, my all time favorite, make sure you get some routines throughout the week.
It’s so easy to stay inside and watch television or stay on the internet, I’m guilty of this trust me. However, many times this can cause negative mood changes and this blog is all about being a better and happier version of yourself. I find myself using my phone only to go outside now. I take weeks to check notifications and I feel much more free as a human being in my own peace.

Remember, you create the best moments when you live/take action which is why many people in the pandemic regret not living their life to the fullest.
Set Goals
You need to set goals for yourself that way you can have incentives to life. Even if you do surpass your set goal and end up hating where you are at, you were able to overcome an accomplishment and add something to your skill set. Plus, they say when you say things, you manifest those words into the universe. After all, it honestly worked for me.

For me, my goals are to grow my hair to my chest, score another entertainment internship, humble myself, continue healing from the break-up (much better by the way), finish my aquarium, great grades, fixing my sleep schedule and continue my counseling (no shame in this). The way life is now, it is definitely hard to find a reason to go on and be happy. However, this is the moment in which we can create our own happiness by setting our own goals.
Coming from someone who was literally miserable throughout the majority of the pandemic, I’m telling you time makes everything better. These tips made me find a purpose again and helped me realize so much of what I still need to work on. It’s so easy to be negative, however it’s so much better being positive and the more you radiate that energy, the more you will attract it back into your own life. This will allow you to be the best version of you when you come out of this pandemic.