After a failed attempt of using flexi rods in high school, I forever left them in my closet until now. I’ve been trying a list of hairstyles out of boredom during this pandemic. My next bit was to perfect using Flexi rods, but this time on my natural hair.
I didn’t do it on freshly washed hair. I actually took down my style just to try it out. But, when I was all done and ready to go, I actually like the style and the bounce I got.
The Good
For my 4b hair, the flexi rods gave me a nice curly blown out look. My hair wasn’t as textured and their was definitely a smoothness to it. Nevertheless, the curls were definitely popping out. I’m always use to my twist out or braid out curls, but I always get hype knowing that my hair can curl in different ways.

I also loved how much faster everything using this method. I usually take a long time detangling my hair and this time around I took two hours. Yes, that is still a lot but considering my hair is getting longer and considering how I combed out my previous style, I will take two hours as a steal. Besides, I’m sure if I apply flexi rods right after wash day, my application time will be much shorter.

Added bonus is that flexi rods are great for low puffs or even high puff. I did this curly bang with a low puff and just fell in love. It not only adds some stretch to my hair, but it also gives me that curl in return. Try it and you will thank me.

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The Bad
So there were a few cons while using flexi rods. The biggest one was just sleeping with them. I was able to twist and turn finding a position comfortable for me. But, the minute I saw that the sun was up, I just took them down because my neck was hurting by the morning.

Also, putting them on can be annoying. I did eventually find a method that works for me. But, I did find a few of my ends slipping out of the rod which caused them to be frizzy. Personally, I like a bit of frizz in my hairstyles as they give me more volume and more of a natural look. But, I’ve been struggling with fairy knots so I know I have to pay extra attention to my ends being exposed when trying any hairstyle.

Lastly, the shrinkage actually turned me off for a bit. I eventually fixed it with a blowdryer. But, even with that I found the hairstyle to look a bit on the “cute” side. To be honest, I felt like Shirley Temple with them in the start. I didn’t feel to grown with them, but I plan on trying them again with freshly washed hair to see if there will be a difference. I also plan using more rods that way the hairstyle can last longer.

I absolutely will do them again and try to perfect them. Now that I am not going out, I have the freedom and flexibility to do whatever. Flexi rods look so good on people and I definitely see them as one of my next signature styles. They are very worth it to me. Whatever makes my hair look fly, I am a fan of.